Poor Cardinal DiNardo! He seems at such a loss for words that he has been forced to rely on the usual Risk Management-speak of the corporate or political operative doing damage control. In order to help him discover the Catholic response to the ongoing crisis and scandal of the institutionalized sodomy in the Bergoglian church, we offer the following.
A new penitential psalm for the Episcopacy of the United States of America.
O all ye faithful! Weep over us, miserable souls given over to the dregs of impurity; we are to be lamented with a whole fountain of tears.
We mourn the noble souls, made in the image and likeness of God and united with the most precious blood of Christ, more glorious than many episcopal mansions and vast tax-free properties. Therefore, we lament the fall of our “Excellent” and “Eminent” souls and the destruction of so many immortal souls of our trusting flock.
May our eyes fail from weeping, may they pour out abundant streams of tears, and may they water sad and mournful expressions with continuous crying. May our eyes spring forth tears with the prophet day and night, and may they not cease because the Church, the beautiful Bride of Christ has been crushed with the worst of blows, the holy Church has been cruelly injured with the dart of impurity by the enemy of the human race, and she is now seen lying rigid and swollen in the sulfurous embers of Gomorrah, pestilently corrupted by the poison of unnatural lust.
O Lord have mercy on us! For we have become a lethal wound festering in the body of the church!
The iniquity of the hierarchy of the Church is made greater than the sin of Sodom, which was overthrown in a moment. Indeed, the evil of our consecrated souls surpasses the sin of the Sodomites, because it has spurned the sacred priesthood to which it is solemnly consecrated and is thereby vehemently reprimanded by its own knowledge of the divine law and its indifference to the profusion of graces offered by our loving and merciful Savior.
Have mercy on us, O Lord, for we are weak: heal us, O Lord, for our souls are troubled exceedingly: but Thou, O Lord, how long?
Consider our wretchedness, how much the darkness oppresses our souls. Take note how densely the fog of blindness envelops us. We have become the prey of demons, the plunder of the cruel, the booty of the impious. For we have turned a blind eye to the sins of our priests which we were obliged to correct, and our silence has granted them permission to sin against innocent children entrusted to them.
Our sores are become putrefied and corrupted, because of our foolishness and iniquities.
Our vice has been the death of bodies, the destruction of souls; it has polluted the flesh, extinguished the light of the intellect, and has expelled the Holy Ghost from the temple of the hearts of our victims, and has sought to remove the truth completely from the minds it has deceived.
We are become miserable and bowed down even to the end: We walk in sorrows all the day long. For our loins are filled with illusions; and there is no health in our flesh.
The plague of our iniquities has removed the foundation of faith, enervated the strength of hope, broken the tie of charity, and it has destroyed justice, undermined fortitude, banished temperance, and introduced every barbarity of vice.
We are ready for scourges: and our sorrows are continually before us. Therefore, we will declare our iniquity: and will think on our sins.
We have fallen into this abyss of most extreme perdition, we deserve to be exiled from the heavenly homeland, separated from the body of Christ, confounded by the authority of the whole Church, condemned by the judgment of all of the holy Fathers, despised among men on earth, and rejected from the fellowship of heavenly citizenry.
Forsake us not, O Lord our God: do not Thou depart from us. Attend unto our help, O Lord, the God of our salvation. Turn away Thy face from our sins and blot out all our iniquities.
Deeply aware of our unhappy state, we now come before Thee, Lord to implore Thy pardon. O Sweet Savior look not on our sins but see our great need of Thy mercy! We trust in Thy mercy, O Lord, let us not be confounded forever!
By the help of Thy grace, we promise to repent of our past ingratitude every day and firmly resolve never to offend Thee again, and to avoid the occasions of sin. Through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary we will from henceforth make reparation for our sins, and the sins of the Church, and unfailingly beg the conversion of all poor sinners that the reign of Thy Sacred Heart through the Immaculate Heart of Mary be established throughout the Church and the world. Amen.
The above Lamentation was composed from excerpts from sacred scripture and from “The Book of Gomorrah” and other Catholic sources, notably, St. Peter Damian’s “The Book of Gomorrah and St. Peter Damian’s Struggle Against Ecclesiastical Corruption (Kindle Locations 2117-2121). Ite ad Thomam Books and Media. Kindle Edition.
Please, Pray the Rosary and confound Satan and those who serve him!
† . Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of our hearts, Mother of the Church, do thou offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the conversion of poor sinners, especially our Pontiff.
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