This coming weekend Catholic churches all over the country will once again be taking up a collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, It is heavily advertised as helping the poor, but about 50% of the grants go to enrich and enable Alinskyite community organizing groups with agendas directly opposed to the Catholic faith and using means that are fundamentally immoral. That, in itself, is not surprising since, like Machiavelli, Alinsky believed accomplishing his ends justified any means.
This year, like every other, the bishops assure us that the "charity's" action of squandering millions to advance the progressive agenda of abortion, contraception, assisted suicide, gender insanity, educational "reform", and electing Democrats, etc. is a thing of the past, but while money is not given directly to perform abortions or dispense contraception, many groups supported by CCHD promote these evils through education and referral.
But we continue to be told...."Nothing to see here; move on!" Move on, indeed, but hold onto your wallets!
CCHD continues to heavily support Alinskyite community organizing groups like PICO which has received millions of dollars to engage in comprehensive immigration reform. Many Alinsky organizations like PICO use immigrants going door-to-door to support progressive Democrats who hold positions in direct conflict with Catholic teaching. Do a search on the USCCB website for PICO and see the many millions funneled into their group. Interestingly PICO recently garnered attention during the Wikileaks dumps. George Soros gave PICO and Faith in Public Life, another left-wing organization, $650,000 to influence the direction of Catholic teaching during the pope's visit. According to LifeSiteNews:
The post operative report on the funding to influence the papal visit comes in the 2016 report entitled, Review Of 2015 U.S. Opportunities Fund. The Soros group was pleased with the result of their campaign and saw statements by various bishops against presidental candidates who are using "fearmongering" - likely a reference to the GOP lineup, and perhaps Trump specifically - as one outcome of their efforts. “The impact of this work and the relationships it has fostered can be seen in the broad range of religious leaders hitting pointedly back at presidential candidates for their use of fearmongering,” the report said....
The grant specifically targeted the ‘pro-family’ agenda, redirecting it from defending marriage to being concerned with income equality. “FPL’s media, framing, and public opinion activities, including conducting a poll to demonstrate that Catholic voters are responsive to the Pope’s focus on income inequality, and earning media coverage that drives the message that being ‘pro-family’ requires addressing growing inequality,” says the May report....
Concluding their report reflecting on the success of the grant to influence the papal visit, the Soros group was very pleased with the results. Looking to the future, they are excited that the long-term goal of shifting the priorities of the Catholic Bishops in the United States “is now underway.”
Can anyone really believe that PICO is able to serve both God and George Soros?
One of the most insidious efforts of groups funded by CCHD is what they are doing in education: undermining parental authority and promoting a top down approach that directly conflicts with the Catholic principle of subsidiarity. Stephanie Block wrote an article in October 2015 which identifies exactly how the Church's support of Alinsky groups enables and promotes the federal government's takeover of education. She offers a detailed analysis of grants to organizations in New Mexico and how they are undermining parents and insinuating government into the family from the cradle. In another 2015 article, Why Not Give to the CCHD, she reports the Lepanto Institute's findings that prove the problems continue. One group denied funding in 2012 after an expose of their homosexual activism latched onto the CCHD teat again in 2014 while they, guess what, continue to support homosexual activism. This is where your money "for the poor" is going.
Because of its origins, CCHD is unlikely to change. Michael Hichborn wrote an article last year on the Marxist Core of the CCHD. Its history is dark. In fact, the organization was founded in order to funnel Catholic money to atheist Saul Alinsky's programs. Is it any wonder that CCHD still heavily invests in Alinsky community organizing groups?
The wolf is in the sheepfold gobbling up the sheep and the shepherd is in on it.