Helpful Links

General Catholic sites

The Holy See -- the official website of the Vatican

Encyclicals of Pope John Paul II

New Advent -- online Catholic library featuring the Summa Theologica, Catholic Encyclopedia, and writings of the Fathers of the Church.

Catholic Culture -- Reviews of hundreds of websites, evaluating each on its fidelity to the Magisterium.  Not sure what to believe on the Internet about Catholic teaching?  Check the site in question here first!

Catholic Information Network -- Church teachings, discussion boards, news, reflections.

Catholic Answers  --  specializing in answers to many Protestant criticisms of the Catholic Church.

Patron Saints Index -- extensive information about saints, indexed by name, topic, and feast day.

EWTN - Eternal Word Television Network -- libraries of Church documents, online streaming audio shows and interviews, experts who answer your questions about living the Faith, news summaries from a Catholic perspective, and much more!

Adoremus -- Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy:  the latest developments from the Vatican and the U.S. Bishops in liturgy, sacred music, architecture, and scripture translations.  

Gregorian Chant -- Marian hymns, Vespers, Matins, Benediction hymns, Kyriale, Mass propers, Divine Office, etc.

The Documents of Vatican II --Complete texts

The Hierarchy of the Catholic Church - -Current and historical information about its bishops and dioceses

The Crossroads Initiative:

This site belongs to Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio, who is a historical theologian who studied under Avery Cardinal Dulles. Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio writes regular articles for Our Sunday Visitor and Catholic Exchange, and is on the speaker’s bureau for Catholic Answers. You may also be familiar with the "Guide to the Passion: 100 Questions about the Passion of the Christ" of which he was a co-author of.

Keep the Faith

Keep the Faith provides solid Catholic material for education of the Church Militant.

Relevant Radio

Relevant Radio exists to assist the Church in the New Evangelization by providing relevant programming through media platforms to help people bridge the gap between faith and everyday life.

Marriage and Family Life

Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body

Vatican document: "The Truth and Meaning of Sexuality" (1995)

The Couple to Couple League -- Natural Family Planning

One More Soul -- helping physicians learn the harms of contraception and the blessings of children.  Look for a list of NFP-only doctors near you!

The Billings Ovulation Method of Natural Family Planning

The Gift Foundation -- a lay apostolate dedicated to promoting the Catholic Church's teaching on marriage and sexuality.

Northwest Family Services -- educational materials for teaching chastity, NFP, and marriage preparation.

Pope Paul VI Institute -- National and International Center for the Study of Morally and Professionally Acceptable Reproductive Health Services.

Pure Love - proclaiming the good news about love, sex, and the purpose of our bodies.

[Great book: Good News About Sex and Marriage: Answers to Your Honest Questions About Catholic Teaching, Christopher West  (read a review here).]


Courage  - an apostolate of the Roman Catholic Church, which ministers to those with same-sex attractions and their loved ones. 

NARTH - National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality

Catholic Medical Association

1992 Vatican document on non-discrimination of homosexual persons

1986 Vatican letter to Bishops on the pastoral care of homosexual persons

Prolife Issues: Abortion, Euthanasia, Cloning, In-Vitro Fertilization

Evangelium Vitae - "The Gospel of Life" - 1995 Encyclical by John Paul II

Declaration on Euthanasia, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, May 5, 1980

Declaration on Procured Abortion, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, November 18, 1974

Priests for Life

American Life League

Human Life International

Life Tree

Population Research Institute

Pro-Life Action League

Pro-Life Students

Stem-Cell Research

Ultimate Prolife Resource List

Scandal in the Church

US Bishops' Office of Child and Youth Protection

Pope John Paul II's Address to the U.S. Cardinals, April 23, 2002


James Hitchcock's column

Letter from Virginia Priests on Celibacy, September 27, 2003

Common Core

Founded on Truth


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