Most Reverend George H. Niederauer October 29, 2007 Your Excellency: First: For the sake of their souls and the souls of those Catholics worldwide who have been scandalized, your office requires you to state this formally, according to the teachings of the Church. You must immediately and publicly state that, per canon 915:
http://www.therealpresence.org/eucharst/holycom/denial.htm These sanctions should be implemented now so that those under this discipline will have the opportunity to repent publicly by the First Sunday of Advent, December 2, 2007. Second: In 1986, the Magisterium issued the instruction, the Letter to Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons.* The then Cardinal Ratzinger wrote, “All support should be withdrawn from any organizations which seek to undermine the teaching of the Church, which are ambiguous about it, or which neglect it entirely. Such support, or even the semblance of such support, can be gravely misinterpreted. Special attention should be given to the practice of scheduling religious services and to the use of Church buildings by these groups, including the facilities of Catholic schools and colleges. To some, such permission to use Church property may seem only just and charitable; but in reality it is contradictory to the purpose for which these institutions were founded, it is misleading and often scandalous.” Fr. Stephen Meriwether, as pastor of Most Holy Redeemer parish, has continually allowed groups that “seek to undermine the teaching of the Church…or neglect it entirely,” to use its facilities. Golden Gate Guards, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and the Desperate Divas Grand Drag Pageant are just a few of the groups who have rented the parish hall for their blatantly sinful displays. Because of the public scandal this has generated, you must:
Third: It is essential that you publicly urge those ensnared in the homosexual lifestyle to seek repentance and healing through the Sacrament of Penance. Your canonical responsibility for the salvation of souls is not optional, and is a greater imperative than a misguided “tolerance” which fails to admonish the sinner. Finally: Considering the outrageous events that have been documented by photo or video within the walls of Most Holy Redeemer parish, and especially for the probability of sacrileges that have NOT been documented, we suggest a thorough blessing of the entire building and re-consecration of Most Holy Redeemer Church. If you are unwilling or unable to take these necessary steps, then in humility you have the responsibility to offer your resignation to Pope Benedict XVI. We are praying that you will take the appropriate steps and do your duty as a successor of the apostles to repair the damage done by this scandal. Sincerely in Christ, * Letter to Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons |