The Shifting Sands of Modernism from
The Orlando Truth It
is enlightening to contrast the weak and false justifications of Modernism
presented by its supporters, against the strong and solid foundation
on which the teaching of the Catholic Church is based. Consider the slippery and sliding
foundations and constantly shifting justifications given to support
the Modernist edifice, as follows: 1.
APPEALS TO THE DECREES OF VATICAN II — Initially Modernists based their arguments on the 16 formal documents
of the Second Vatican Council. However, when these decrees proved
conservative and restated the traditional Catholic doctrine, they
shifted their arguments to: 2.
APPEALS TO THE “SPIRIT OF VATICAN II” — which did not get embodied
in any of the decrees and has been repeatedly declared and proven
to be a total myth. So they shifted their arguments to: 3.
APPEALS TO THE “SPIRIT OF POPE JOHN XXIII” — which they claimed was
his purpose in calling the Council. However, when faced with the demonstrated
traditionalism of this Pope on many questions, the Modernists shifted
their arguments to: 4.
authority they claim exceeds that of all the popes and councils. Unfortunately
for them when inconvenient passages about sin, homosexuality and hell
were brought forward, they then shifted their attempted proof to: 5.
APPEALS TO THE NEEDS OF MODERN MAN — based on his presumed nature, feelings and emotions. When it was pointed
out to them that the Roman Catholic Church has always taught that
modern man is in a flawed state of nature, resulting from original
sin, so that his needs, feelings and emotions cannot be used to justify
their cause, Modernists shifted their ground again to: 6.
— This is their final appeal which obviously has no objective basis
whatsoever. Like churlish children, it merely results in a political
power play to attempt to get their own way. What nonsense! On the other hand, our Church has always objectively and consistently developed its doctrine and teachings directly from REVELATION AND THE DEPOSIT OF FAITH, bequeathed to it by Christ Himself, who clearly is “The Way, the Truth, and the Life”. Let
us reject "Modernism" for what it truly is: nothing 'modern'
at all, but a very old appeal to our baser instincts. |