The Orlando Truth The classic definition
of “conscience” in the Catholic Church is that of Thomas Aquinas,
for whom “conscience is the
mind of man passing moral judgments.” It is the voice of reason,
separated from feeling, emotion and desire. Conscience is imbedded
in the intellect which apprehends and interprets the moral law. It
is not an immediate internal illumination of each person for himself
without reference to an objective norm found outside of man and independent
of his subjective persuasion. It
requires development and careful training for knowing the laws of
God. We have an obligation to educate it. Today, many “Catholics-in-Name-Only”
use an appeal to conscience to try to justify their aberrant behavior,
in violation of the moral law as taught by our Church. A typical statement,
often counseled to the laity by misguided priests is:
“The Church says that if a teaching is not designated as a
dogma, and if 2 or 3 moral theologians hold a contrary opinion, a
Catholic is not conscience-bound to follow the teaching of the Magisterium.”
These priests insinuate that sin only happens when people have
failed to follow their conscience. So if, personally, you do not think
that an objective sin is really a sin, these priests claim that it
is not a sin for you. Such comments completely misrepresent
Church teaching, because they are gross and irresponsible oversimplifications.
This is a serious error, which misleads people into thinking they
are avoiding sin, when in fact they remain quite guilty of their immoral
actions. While the primacy
of conscience is a fundamental teaching of the Catholic Church, viz.,
that a person must follow his or her conscience in all things, it
is also an incomplete description about what the Church teaches and
could therefore mislead. It fails to acknowledge that ordinary individual
conscience cannot determine what is moral and immoral unless it is
correctly formed through
education about the Word of God. There are absolute principles that
exist independently of one’s own opinions and feelings – a morality binding on all men. In this context, the goodness and evil
of human acts are learned from Revelation (Scripture and Tradition),
as authenticated by the Church’s Teaching Authority, the Magisterium.
Man suffers culpability in varying degrees if his moral ignorance
is due to his own lack of trying to determine the goodness or evil
of the acts in question. The
education of conscience is indispensable for human beings, who
are subject to negative influences and tempted by sin to prefer their
own judgments and to reject authoritative teachings. Before rejecting
a Church teaching, we all have a duty to nourish our faith by understanding
more fully what the Church teaches and why. That means we must refrain
from acting on our disagreement with the Church’s teaching while we
are in the process of seeking a better understanding of it. Often
by attempting to live out a difficult Church teaching, we gain a greater
insight into the truth of that teaching. The person experiencing
doubt must also be rigorously honest about the motives behind the
difficulties. Sometimes our struggles with Church teaching reflect
more our desire to live our lives as we would have them, and not as
God wills them to be. It is not so much that we cannot live in accordance
with the Church, but that for many different reasons, we lose the
motivation to try. Thus
the primacy of one’s own conscience is always “conditional” on the
“informed good faith” of that person. Otherwise, one is afflicted
with Moral Relativism. |