Canadian Religious Conference Out of Touch, Off Base For Immediate Release Earlier this month, the Canadian Religious Conference (CRC), an organization that claims to represent over 200 religious congregations of sisters, monks, and priests of religious order, publicly voiced its dissent against various moral truths. It did this in an appeal to Canadian bishops, asking that they use their once-every-five-year ad limina visits with the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, as a pretext to voice disagreement with Christ’s teaching about divorce, the sanctity of human life, the redemptive value of human suffering, and the call to sexual wholeness and integrity. In its document, “A Message to Our Bishops,” CRC expresses its “creative fidelity” to the Canadian Church. CRC newspeak fails to disguise that “creative fidelity” to the Canadian Church demands a blatant infidelity to the universal Church. The Catholic Media Coalition, comprised of lay communication organizations from around the United States, urges the bishops of Canada to hold fast to their vows to teach, govern and sanctify in truth. The crisis in the Church today in many countries is a crisis of Church discipline. We pray that the bishops of Canada will respond to this document by disciplining the signers before they draw others to their grievous errors. Contact Mary Ann Kreitzer |