For Immediate Release Catholic Media Coalition Asks Connecticut Bishops to Rescind Approval of Abortifacient Plan B, the “Morning After Pill” (October 8, 2007) -- In a letter to the Catholic Bishops of Connecticut sent October 4, the national Catholic Media Coalition (CMC) begged the bishops to rescind their recent approval to dispense the abortifacient drug Plan B to rape victims at Catholic hospitals in the state. (See letter at end of email, and at www.catholicmediacoalition.org/pr_ct_cath_conf_10_5_07.htm). “Rape is a horrible crime,” said CMC President Mary Ann Kreitzer speaking on behalf of the group. “Women need help and support at such a time. But the fact that the woman is the victim of a violent act cannot justify her committing a violent act against her innocent unborn child. It's a grave scandal to have Catholic bishops approve the use of this abortion drug. Their capitulation encourages further coercion by the government against the Church. No less than our first amendment freedom of religion is at stake. Additionally, bishops who won’t fight for a one-week-old baby are likely to betray older babies and the elderly and vulnerable as well. We demand that the Connecticut bishops rescind this evil decision.” CMC is urging Catholics around the country to pray for and contact the four Catholic bishops of Connecticut as well as their individual bishops to urge them to protect human life. It is never licit for a woman to use a drug that prevents her baby from implanting in the womb. The bishops’ names and emails are: Bishop Paul Chomnycki, O.S.B.M. (stamfordeparchy@optonline.net), Bishop William E. Lori (bishopsoffice@diobpt.org), Bishop Michael R. Cote (com@norwichdiocese.net), and Bishop Henry J. Mansell (abhartford@aohct.org), Chairman of the Connecticut Catholic Conference (ccc@ctcatholic.org). CMC members expressed their grave concern over the Connecticut bishops’ action by joining as co-signers to the letter. CMC is an organization of Catholic writers, webmasters, editors, and others engaged in producing media for and about the Catholic Church. Its members live and work throughout the United States, and represent different approved Catholic Rites. They invite all practicing Catholic members of the media who are loyal to the Magisterium and to Church teaching to join CMC, whose mission is to "report truthfully about the Catholic Church and to defend, foster, and spread authentic Catholic faith and culture." CMC's Web site is www.catholicmediacoalition.org CMC's letter to the Connecticut bishops is as follows: October 4, 2007 To the Bishops of the Connecticut Catholic Conference Your Excellencies: Please, Your Excellencies, withdraw this flawed statement that will corrupt our Catholic health care facilities by making them accomplices in murdering children. If the government can coerce complicity in Plan B abortions, coercion of later term abortions cannot be far behind. We need you to stand up to a government that has long-since abandoned the Constitutional principle of freedom of religion. In addition, consider the corrupting influence on Catholic doctors, nurses, and pharmacists giving a drug proven to cause early abortions. Please don't let yourselves be known as the bishops who washed their hands like Pontius Pilate as they sent the innocent ones to death, executed, like Jesus, for the sins of others. Please rescind your statement, instruct Catholic hospitals not to dispense this drug, and fight the government's coercion in the courts. It would be better to close every Catholic hospital in Connecticut than to cooperate with this evil decision. Sincerely in Christ, Mary Ann Kreitzer "The first law of history is not to dare to utter falsehood; the second, not to fear to speak the truth." ~ Pope Leo XIII Catholic Media Coalition members endorsing the letter as co-signers are: