Progressives infiltrate churches The Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund of San Francisco is just one of a number of sources of fund to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered advocacy group that infiltrate mainline churches to advance their goals. by Stephanie Block Progressive groups of every ilk have discovered the usefulness of religious institutions. They have the infrastructures and they have captive audiences. For example, the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund out of San Francisco has just awarded $1.2 million to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgendered (LGBT) advocacy groups in mainline religious institutions, seeking to “confront injustice and some of society’s most difficult issues.” Specifically, the Hass Fund supports legalized same-sex “marriage” and other “civil-rights” for the LGBT community as well as greater social and moral acceptance within these institutions for this life-style. One of the funded groups is the Institute for Welcoming Resources that networks among several of the larger Protestant denominations and the LGBT activist groups in them. It provides worship resources for “gay friendly” congregations - including a Statement of Faith that reads: Other recipients are Integrity, which works within the Episcopal Church; Lutherans Concerned/North America, which works within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada; More Light Presbyterians, which works within the Presbyterian Church (USA); Reconciling Ministries Network, which works within the United Methodist Church; and the United Church of Christ Coalition for LGBT Concerns. The grant is not only to help strengthen these groups but, according to one LGBT news source, to help them drive formal denominational declarations of “unconditional welcome to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities” – in what they call the “welcoming church movement.” This is just another instance of using faith communities to accomplish “progressive” social change. This article appeared at Spero News, December 2, 2008 Stephanie Block is the editor of Los Pequenos - a New Mexico-based publication. Her columns are made possible by the sponsorship of generous individuals who believe information about the development and dissemination of progressive ideology needs to be more widely understood. Please fell free to share -- acknowledging authorship – these articles with others. If you would like more frequent publication of Stephanie Block's work, tax-deductible donations can be sent to: Catholic Media Coalition - PO Box 427 Great Cacapon, WV 25422 Attn: Progressive Watch |