C. Sevilla
5508 Fence Lake Drive NE Rio Rancho, New Mexico 87144 Phone: (505) 867-4004 philsevilla@cableone.net
His Eminence
Theodore Cardinal McCarrick Your Eminence, Your exalted position as Archbishop of Washington, D.C. places under your responsibility the souls of many influential Catholic politicians in Washington who have prominently been in the forefront of attacking the foundations of Christian morality upon which our great republic was built. You know who these politicians are. The citizenry recently witnessed an abominable and disgraceful display of Catholic senators defending the murder of unborn children, badgering a fellow Catholic – a highly respected jurist nominated to the highest office in the federal judiciary – to declare his support and allegiance to preserving the legal right of mothers to abort their babies in their wombs. How did it ever come to this? I stand with Mr. Pat Buchanan who addressed you recently in an article in the Catholic newsweekly, The Wanderer (January 26th, 2006, p. 6), comparing our times with Nazi Germany, and looking for the likes of Catholic Bishop Clemens von Galen who courageously denounced Hitler and Nazism from the pulpit in Muenster Cathedral. Mr. Buchanan addresses you and your fellow bishops: "Just issue a statement for the 32nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade.... by declaring: 'We pray to God that Roe v. Wade is overturned. We commend all Catholics and fellow citizens working toward that goal. We condemn any Catholic politician who would deny a seat on the Supreme Court to a fellow Catholic - on the grounds that he might vote to overturn this abomination.'" I would add this warning, Your Eminence: "Any Catholic politician who comes to receive the Eucharist and who has not disavowed his or her public support for abortion will not be permitted to receive Communion in this Cathedral or any parish in the archdiocese. Be assured of the certain condemnation you heap upon your head if you remain obstinate in your error and continue to receive our Lord in the Eucharist without confessing the serious sin you are committing by your public support for abortion." May you and your fellow Bishops, who we hold in the highest esteem, stand up with courage to address this scandalous problem with Catholic politicians. As members of the Church founded by our Lord, Jesus Christ, we have a grave moral obligation to end this horror, not just with platitudes and by using lip service but by actions. St. Basil the Great, the fourth century Church Father, assisted by his flock in Caesaria, ended Roman infanticide by tearing down the wall over which Roman families threw their unwanted children to wild animals. I pray you, do not acquit yourself of the same responsibility and wash your hands like Pilate by ignoring the sinful acts of your flock in Washington. Respectfully, Philip C. Sevilla |