Eugenics Does American Exceptionalism Include Draconian Human Experimentation?
State of Things - Special Edition - Eugenics August 9, 2006, by Camille Giglio Introductory comments. Father Linus Clovis, a parish priest from the Diocese of St. Lucia in the West Indies is on a mission to inform people of the secular, humanistic attack upon the family. To underscore the importance of his eye-witness experiences in this matter he focuses on the role played by the United Nations. in bringing about the destruction of the family and human life values in several Third World countries. Father paints a portrait of the UN with its vast sums of financial aid as seducing countries and churches to turn against their own people allowing introducion of abortion, homosexuality, family planning and drugs into these countries as a condition of receiving aid. _____________________________________ Father Clovis visitied the San Francisco Bay Area recently as a part of his tour, speaking to several groups of religious and pro life people. His topic is the sad plight of the family, but his message is one of prayer and hope. On Monday, August 7th, Father Linus Clovis, a parish priest from the Diocese of Saint Lucia in the West Indies presented his research on the practice of Eugenics in certain Third World countries to a group of pro life people in Contra Costa County. Fr. Linus’ trip , speaking to religious and pro life groups throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, was hosted by The Population Research Institute, Steven Mosher, Director. www.pop.org. Fr. Linus’ talk centered on the importance of the family as the stabilizing factor to under gird respect and dignity for human life. When governments allow or even encourage attacks on the family as they have in many Third World countries, much of the social and cultural structure of a country begins to deteriorate resulting in an increase in sexual diseases, drug use, immorality and a degrading of the value of the individual human being, especially women. He also mentioned the writings and research of Margaret Mead who presented her findings on the sexual mores of remote populations as a cultural tradition not as a moral foundation. He brought his talk up to date with mention of the United Nations and a Commission on Human Rights within the UN referred to as The Division for the Advancement of Women. This group working since the UN’s inception in 1946, has created a Treaty with the powers of enforcement referred to as CEDAW - Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/cedaw. According to Father, this anti-family, pro feminist group operating within the UN, along with others outside the UN, has the “authority to interfere, as he put it, in countries that signed the UN Charter.” According to Father, a UN provision of funding for development in these mainly Third World countries is usually accompanied by a requirement to reduce the population of the receiving country. Thus enters the eugenics aspect of global development. Many times people hearing of these problems or living through them feel overwhelmed and unable to effect a change for the good. Fr. Linus encouraged us to think of the twelve apostles whom Jesus sent out to change the world. “Be inspired by the grace of the Holy Spirit,” he said, “in all the little, loving things that one can do in their own community. Do not be impressed by the use of force.” Father admitted that when he began to research the subject of eugenics he was surprised to learn that it was the United states with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, that began the promotion of eugenics early in the 1900’s. However, it was Hitler and his Nazi government who raised it to a state policy. In the United States during this time the practice of Eugenics pretty much went under ground until the 1950’s when the eugenics promoters began to regroup and center their efforts within the United Nations. The Holy See (the Vatican) has official observers at the UN and, therefore, are able to see the anti-family groups at work. Here are some of Father Linus’ observations: NEW ZEALAND. This travel poster well organized country of four million inhabitants is a “beautiful but sad country,” said father. The people are “good pagans.” The country, mostly protestant, accepts legalized same sex unions. He depicts the Catholic Bishops of this country as “weak - providing no leadership to the faithful on moral issues.” SINGAPORE. Espouses a limited family policy. Singapore needs 50,000 births a year to maintain it’s population, but is getting only 38,000 as of last year. This country is now giving grants for the births of 3rd and 4th children, but few are accepting the incentive. This loss of population means loss of future workers. Therefore many of these countries are encouraging Muslim immigration. The Muslims, according to Father, know quite well that their God wants them to grow and multiply. The obvious point here being that people do not give birth to children for the benefit of the state. People give birth to children to have them for themselves through that form of love that comes through God. PHILIPPINES. This is a country of 18 million people about the size of Arizona. They have resisted the UN funding programs. There are many health care clinics in this country, but they can not fund and staff them without the help of the UN. “The government did not accept the $17 million in condoms that was a part of the health care package and so the Filipino people are left with a minimum of health care assistance. Father Clovis depicts the Catholic Bishops as very active in the lives and moral development of their people especially in the area of abstinence and fidelity to family life”. “In the Philippines,” Father said, “the Bishops speak, the priests echo and the laity listen and pray.” In the Philippines, according to Father, there are “less than 2,000 cases of HIV/AIDS. Whereas in Thailand with a population of 80 million there are 900,000 cases of AIDS. Thailand, according to Father, has a mostly Buddhist population. The Buddhists do affirm the value of the family but their country is in a serious clash between the encouragement to chastity and the use of condoms. However, the anti-life forces persist in their agenda of introducing a whole range of anti-life, anti-family bills into that country’s legislature. “The message being received by the young is that you, children are not worth fighting for,” according to father. SRI LANKA formerly Ceylon, is also a majority of Buddhists who along with the small catholic population affirm life. The Hindus are rather “neutral” on the subject, said father, after a brief hesitation in how best to express that. CEDAW is very active in Sri Lanka with an aggressive abortion and sterilization program. Only two children per family is encouraged with the second child routinely born by caesarean section and during the C-section the woman is often sterilized. ALso, in Sri Lanka, so father claimed, mainly girls were getting vaccinated only to find that at least 25% of these girls ended up being sterile. In Sri Lanka if a woman is sterile, unable to produce children, she can be dismissed. She is very likely unacceptable for marriage to anyone else. Father saved his talk about South Africa for the last and most in-depth discussion. He focused on apartheid brought to South AFrica by the Dutch and the British as the main factor in causing the destabilization of the family. Due to the creation of “homelands” black men were forced to live and work at a great distance from their families, visiting them maybe once a year. Polygamy grew from that. Nelson Mandela was freed from jail and regained his position and prestige within the government. A new Constitution was formed. The writing of the Constitution was assisted by the Rockefeller Foundation, Planned Parenthood and others, according to father. Abortion in South Africa is now the most liberal in the world apart from China. This statement caused a challenge from one of the listeners who asked if it was not, in fact, the United States which had the most liberal policy. Father responded that in South Africa medical students can not “graduate unless they have performed an abortion and if they won’t do them they are “merely tolerated,” meaning that they get very little work or support. Over a period of ten years six million condoms have been freely distributed. Now South AFrica has the highest number of AIDS patients. Thousands of children have been orphaned if they themselves have not already died from AIDS. The Church, in South AFrica, “is weak,” according to father. He said he always wondered why Bishop Tutu was so prominent, given so much attention. He came to the conclusion that as a black and a supporter of the population policy he was attractive and appealing while the Catholic Bishops have been silent, “a desperate lot,” as he depicted them. He provided a reminder that “Bishop Dennis Hurley was the first to dissent from Humanae Vitae and that there are two Bishops, one being a Bishop Cawcutt who openly promote homosexuality As an aside Father said that the Rockefeller people approached Pius Vl following the writing of Humanae Vitae and asked him to change his opinion. Rockefeller would even help him write the amended version. As he concluded his remarks he stated that in February of 2003 former President Bill Clinton came to his own island of Santa Lucia in the West Indies with an offering of $138,000 for development. Six months later abortion was introduced into the House of the Assembly. As I understand it, he said that it passed because the Ministry of Health let it be known that without approval of abortion they would lose funding. Though Father Clovis painted a desperate picture of the population crisis he left us with hope. Hope that is best evidenced by those who do help the little ones to come unto God. Help in the form of priests and religious,working as individuals to provide homes and loving arms for the abandoned children, the sick and dying, just as Mother Theresa of Calcutta had done and her Nuns continue to do, one life at a time, one soul at a time. Father Linus F. Clovis can be contacted at clovislf@hotmail.com. He is currently acting as a Chaplain for the Population Research Institute and will be in this country for a couple of more months before returning to the West Indies. Earlier this year I wrote up a report on the book “Better for All The World” written by Harry Bruinius. It recorded the development of ‘The Secret History of Forced Sterilization and America’s Quest for Racial Purity.” in this country. Bruinius’ book pretty much starts and ends with the life and death of the promoters and developers of forced sterilization mainly implemented in mental hospitals prior to the 1950’s. The work of the Population Research Institute is recording the current activities and aftermath of today’s Eugenicists. THE UN AND CEDAW Recently I sent out a report on Eugenics as discussed by Father Linus Clovis. His talk included mention of The UN and CEDAW - Convention on the Elimination of all Discrimination Against Women. Father stated that CEDAW had the authority to “interfere” in the population activities of countries who had signed on to this Treaty. I felt it necessary to further clarify what he meant. Within the UN there is a department entitled Division for the Advancement of Women - D.A.W. This department created a document entitled the Convention on Elimination of all Discrimination Against Women - CEDAW. Notice the double use of the letters D-A-W. This is similar to the letters NARAL which once stood for National Association to Repeal Abortion Laws and now means National Abortion Rights Action League. With regards to the UN the word “Convention” equates with “Treaty.” Countries joining the United Nations are encouraged to sign-on and to ratify this Convention. About 90% of the countries that joined have now ratified. Once they do that it is assumed that they will implement the requirements of this Treaty. On July 17. 1980, President Jimmy Carter signed this treaty indicating a desire to cooperate with the intent of this treaty. The United States considers a treaty to supersede our Constitution. We sign very few treaties because of that. The US Senate, therefore, has never ratified this treaty. So, The United States has given tacit acknowledgment, so to speak, to the intent of this Treaty/Convention, but we are not required to comply with its demands. This CEDAW is overseen by a UN Commission on the Status of Women (not to be confused with the mainly defunct SOW committees of the failed ERA). The purpose of this CSW is to research how or if the ratifying countries are implementing the CEDAW and then apply pressure to those countries not implementing CEDAW either at all or somewhat. CEDAW has no force of law. In other words, if a country is noncompliant it can’t be taken before a world court or some such thing, yet. However, the threat of withdrawing the UN Agency for International Development - UNAID - funds has proven to be a successful weapon in creating compliance in Third World countries. |